So glad he won for the Wrestler.  Brilliant performance.  Plus the man has done a major transformation

He went from





~ by mollysurno on January 12, 2009.


  1. he shudda punched out that cop in miami too….hey, he’s done it before….he’s just tired of doing easy stuff

  2. what happened to his beauiful gorgeous face that i fell in love with in rumble fish..?? =[

  3. Mickey Rourke should have received the Oscar for his performance in The Wrestler! I totally forgot it was Mickey Rourke playing the role. Nice to see a brilliant come back!

  4. Awesome job Mickey – he deserved the Oscar!

  5. The wrestler was a profound metaphor for the decay of the USA and it’s important as a film lover to see that Americans are finally able to view themselves in an honest and moving way – something that used to be strictly in European movies only. But did he deserve the Oscar? Well yes he did but Sean Penn did too and his performance in Milk was exceptional. The Oscars were appropriately awarded this year with Slumdog Millionaire up there as well. Normally they just hand Oscars out to the most famous and beautiful person they can find – glad they didn’t this year.

  6. I had a hard time watching the Wrestler. I could not get over the thought that it was the same guy in 9 and Half Weeks!!!..I was distracted by this thought the through the whole movie. Plus, I find the whole world of Wrestling very unattractive and intellectually de-stimulating.

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